hey girls!

heres some of our juciest gossip for this week.

miley cyrus (from disney channels hannah montanna) and kelly osborne(from disney channels starstruck and jonas brothers) star


lick here to edit. In related news, regarding Miley’s recent salvia bong-smoking debacle Kelly tweeted, “Just read in the rags that apparently my mum thinks Miley is a bad influence on me it could not be father from the truth. Actually, it’s the other way around. Miley has us all on a health kick. Gym/early nights. There [sic] really scraping the barrel on that one!”

Defending her gal pal, Miss Osbourne added, “This really makes me mad. Miley is one of the most hard working respectful women I have ever worked with I am learning a lot from her! Miley and I have become really close I’m sick of all the haters judging her she made one mistake and trust me she has learned her lesson! This is how I’m a bad I influence on Miley: I force her to eat cupcakes so I don’t feel so bad about eating one!”

  Daughter of actor Will Smith, Willow has revealed that she would love to be as big as Lady Gaga or even bigger! And she loves Rihanna and would like to be a baby version of her!

Haha, we think Rihanna is awesome too.

Willow Smith, who is only 10 years old, has had an amazing 5 million hits on YouTube and even impressed Justin Bieber when she joined him on stage in Los Angeles. check out her music video on our music video page!
